Files automated tagging

Highest Nextcloud version

Nextcloud 31
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Nextcloud GmbH

  • nickvergessen
  • blizzz
  • nextcloud_release_service
Last updated

2 weeks, 5 days ago


Files, Organization, Flow

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An app for Nextcloud that automatically assigns tags to newly uploaded files based on some conditions.

The tags can later be used to control retention, file access, automatic script execution and more.

How it works

To define tags, administrators can create and manage a set of rule groups. Each rule group consists of one or more rules combined through operators. Rules can include criteria like file type, size, time and more. A request matches a group if all rules evaluate to true. On uploading a file all defined groups are evaluated and when matching, the given tags are assigned to the file.


Nextcloud version Stable channel Nightly channel All releases
31 2.0.0 - 31
30 1.20.0 - 30
29 1.19.0 - 29
28 1.18.0 - 28
27 1.17.0 - 27
26 1.16.1 - 26
25 1.15.3 - 25
24 1.14.2 - 24
23 1.13.1 - 23
22 1.12.1 - 22
21 1.11.1 - 21
20 1.10.1 - 20
19 1.9.1 - 19
18 1.8.3 - 18
17 1.7.0 - 17
16 1.6.0 - 16
15 1.5.0 - 15
14 1.4.0 - 14
13 1.3.0 - 13
12 1.2.2 - 12


2 years, 1 month ago

Development (bots not counted in): not much (after almost half decade => probably feature complete, thus maintenance-only)

Issues: more solved than unresolved ones

Project management: no

Documentation: brief (readme)

Localization: yes (continuous)

Releases: infrequent (changelog added recently - for history see releases)