Face Recognition

Highest Nextcloud version

Nextcloud 30
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Matias De lellis

Last updated

2 months, 2 weeks ago



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Detect and group faces of your loved one in your cloud

⚠️ This application requires minimum of 1GB of RAM memory to work! See Requirements for details.

⚠️ Setup of this app requires access to terminal and even getting your hands dirty with installation of additional software. See Installation for details.

  • 😏 Detect faces from images: Use FaceRecognition app to detect any face in any of your images!
  • 👪 Group faces to persons: Detected faces are grouped together based on similarity and then FaceRecognition app can recognize persons!
  • 🔒 Built-in privacy: No data is leaving your cloud. Defaults are always off and each user controls enabling/disabling face detection. Images from every directory can be excluded from face detection, if needed.
  • ⚙️ Power of AI: FaceRecognition app leverages power of AI and already built neural network models through extensive usage of DLib library.
  • 🚀 Build your own thing: FaceRecognition app is just a basic building block. Through FaceRecognition API, you can build your advanced scenarios - automatically add tags to images, connect contacts and persons, share images from specific person… We want to hear your ideas!


Nextcloud version Stable channel Nightly channel All releases
30 0.9.60 - 30
29 0.9.60 - 29
28 0.9.51 - 28
27 0.9.40 - 27
26 0.9.20 - 26
25 0.9.12 - 25
24 0.9.5 - 24
23 0.9.1 - 23
22 0.9.1 - 22
21 0.8.5 - 21
20 0.7.2 - 20
19 0.7.2 - 19
18 0.7.2 - 18
17 0.5.15 - 17
16 0.5.15 - 16


7 months, 2 weeks ago

The installation (or better said the installation of the pre-requisites aka PDlib) is a nightmare!

1 year, 4 months ago

In this state, it's more of a complex server adjustment than an "App".

It seems that since php 8 it never really got to work smoothly again.If you don't want to spend hours of debugging, avoid this app for now until it actually reaches the seamlessness of an "App". It's the only Nextcloud App I know whose installation is more complicated than the installation of nextcloud itself.

For me, after fighting to get PDLib compiled from scratch for php 8.1, I got greeted with an error stating I have to adjust my memory in the php.ini. Which it certanly is, for this exact php version. Still the error comes up. So I gave up and will wait until an actual "App" comes out.

2 years, 1 month ago

Probably will be replaced by another application. This app could have better recognition results, but that replacement one better integration into Nextcloud.

Development: infrequent

Issues: more solved than unresolved ones (although a bit high number of them)

Project management: no

Documentation: yes (wiki)

Localization: yes (semi-continuous)

Releases: frequent (changelog)

Ivan Gregurić Ortolan
2 years, 9 months ago

Man this thing is amazing and brings next level features to Nextcloud! Did not even had the chance to see the analysis result but the whole idea is great!

Thank you for your effort in setting this up!