User Backend Using Raw SQL

Highest Nextcloud version

Nextcloud 29
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Alexey Abel

Last updated

8 months, 4 weeks ago



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This is an app for Nextcloud that offers user management and authentication with arbitrary SQL queries.

You can authenticate, create, delete users, change their password or display name, basically do (almost) everything that Nextcloud can do with users.

In contrast to the app SQL user backend, you write the SQL queries yourself. You are not limited by assumptions that app authors made about how your db is structured.

The app uses prepared statements and is written to be secure by default to prevent SQL injections. It understands the most popular standards for password hash formats: MD5-CRYPT, SHA256-CRYPT, SHA512-CRYPT, BCrypt, Argon2i and Argon2id. Because the various formats are recognized on-the-fly your db can can have differing hash string formats at the same time, which eases migration to newer formats.

This app primarily supports PostgreSQL and MariaDB/MySQL but the underlying PHP mechanism also supports Firebird, MS SQL, Oracle DB, ODBC, DB2, SQLite, Informix and IBM databases. By using an appropriate DSN you should be able to connect to these databases. This has not been tested, though.


Nextcloud version Stable channel Nightly channel All releases
29 2.0.1 - 29
28 2.0.1 - 28
27 2.0.1 - 27
26 2.0.1 - 26
25 1.5.1 - 25
24 1.5.1 - 24
23 1.5.1 - 23
22 1.5.1 - 22
21 1.5.1 - 21
20 1.5.1 - 20
19 1.0.12 - 19
18 1.0.12 - 18
17 1.0.12 - 17
16 1.0.12 - 16
15 1.0.12 - 15
14 1.0.12 - 14
13 1.0.12 - 13


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