Pax Fax

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Nextcloud 30
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Last updated

3 months, 3 weeks ago


Office & text, Organization

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This application allows sending and receiving faxes in Nextcloud. A Phaxio account and a real fax number acquired from Phaxio are needed. Complete instructions on how to configure and use this application are detailed in the 'Admin documentation' linked on this page.


  • 🚀 Multiple documents can be sent in one fax call (up to 20 separate files with a cumulative size of up to 20 MB).

  • 📠 A fax can be sent to multiple fax numbers at once (up to 15 different fax numbers).

  • 📄 Users can send as fax any document in any of the following formats: pdf, doc, docx, odt, jpeg/jpg, png, tiff/tif, txt, html.

  • 📰 All incoming faxes are received as pdf documents and stored in a Nextcloud folder.

  • 📧 Users receive notifications and (optionally) emails when new faxes arrive.

  • 🔍 All the sent and received faxes are stored in specific Nextcloud folders, so that they can be searched by caller/callee phone number or date.

  • 💻 When they want to send a fax, users can upload files from their computer or choose them directly from Nextcloud.

  • 🔏 Incoming fax requests are checked for authenticity and integrity by verifying Phaxio's signature.

  • 💵 Current Phaxio balance can be always checked by pressing a button on the left panel.

  • 💰 The only ongoing cost is $2 per month for a fax number located in USA or Canada, in a city chosen by the user. No contracts.

  • 💸 Straightforward pricing: $0.07 per sent/received page for faxes to/from USA and Canada and $0.1 per sent/received page for faxes to/from other countries.

We have no affiliation with Phaxio.




Nextcloud version Stable channel Nightly channel All releases
30 1.1.7 - 30
29 1.1.7 - 29
28 1.1.7 - 28
27 1.1.7 - 27
26 1.1.7 - 26
25 1.1.1 - 25
24 1.0.7 - 24
23 1.0.4 - 23


1 year, 10 months ago

Great app, super user friendly gui and great response from devs for issues

David Swanson
2 years, 7 months ago

2nd Update: I have been using Pax Fax for over two years now. Absolutely love it. If you're one of the few unfortunate folks that still have to fax, mostly the government, this extension makes your life so much easier. Thank you so much to the developer for your time, and your hard work that you put into this extension.

Update: Just FYI for anyone using this extension. If your username is your email address make sure to use the ASCII character for @ in your username in regards to the callback URL. The ASCII character for at is @ Ex. https://david@my-domain.tld:xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx@your-nextcloud.domain.tld/apps/pax_fax/api/recfaxphaxio

I wish there was a rating for "Fantastic". This app is awesome! My family and my companies all use NextCloud. I didn't think I would ever need faxing capabilities again. I had to have documents faxed from the Florida DMV for a project I'm working on. They only mail or fax documents. I didn't want to wait for the mail. I found Phaxio which has an amazing well-documented API. I spun up a Linux docker container and started writing some simple python code so I could receive my faxes. The GUI of the extension is well laid out and super easy to use. Rather you are a developer wanting to save time or someone with no development background that wants to send/receive faxs. I'll be adding this to your bi-annual support opensource projects that we support.