GPTZero integration

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Nextcloud GPTZero integration to detect AI-generated content

It allows to send text or files to GPTZero API and detect if the content is generated by an AI.

Ethical AI Rating

Rating: 🔴


  • the software for training and inferencing of this model is proprietary, limiting running it locally or training by yourself
  • the trained model is not freely available, so the model can not be ran on-premises
  • the training data is not freely available, limiting the ability of external parties to check and correct for bias or optimise the model’s performance and CO2 usage.

Learn more about the Nextcloud Ethical AI Rating in our blog.

GPTZero results

Possible results are:

  • Most likely written by a Human
  • May include parts written by an AI
  • Partially based on input or other sources. Unknown really
  • Most likely generated by an AI

Formula to detect generated content is:

if X < completely_generated_prob.min:
	if average_generated_prob <= Y:
  		return `Most likely written by a Human`
	return `May include parts written by an AI`
else if X > completely_generated_prob.max:
	if average_generated_prob <= Y:
  		return `May include parts written by an AI`
	return `Most likely generated by an AI`
	if average_generated_prob <= Y:
		return `Unknown really`
	return `May include parts written by an AI`


Nextcloud version Stable channel Nightly channel All releases
28 0.1.5 - 28
27 0.1.5 - 27
26 0.1.5 - 26


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