Dilingual Dashboard Connector

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Nextcloud 20
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Lukas Reschke

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2 years, 7 months ago



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Track your website translation with Dilingual

What is the Dilingual Dashboard connector?

The Dilingual Dashboard connector enables you to track the translation status of your website within Nextcloud.

Whenever not reviewed texts are added to your website, the Dashboard connector will flag them to you for review.

What is Dilingual?

Dilingual is the easiest and fastest way to translate your website. Dilingual is compatible with all major CMS and platforms such as Wordpress, Webflow, Drupal, Joomla and many more.

With Dilingual you can translate your website without code changes. All maintenance and security updates are performed by our team.

You don’t have a translated website? Use the Dilingual Try mode to preview how your translated website could look like. There is no signup required to do so.

Setup requirements

To set up the Dilingual Dashboard connector you need to be on a paid plan and contact the support team for an API key.

Dilingual API keys are generated at the project level. Therefore, in the current version, you can use the Dilingual Dashboard Connector for Nextcloud to track the status of a project or translated website.

To use the Dilingual Dashboard Connector for Nextcloud you need a Dilingual plan with access to our extensive API interface. The Dilingual API is available for Plus and Pro plans upon request to our support team.

If you are running a Dilingual on-premise server, you can also use the API interface. To generate API keys, please refer to the instructions in our documentation.

Setup steps

  1. (Optional) Configure your Dilingual Server URL in the Nextcloud admin settings.
  2. Configure the Dilingual API key in the Nextcloud admin settings.
  3. Verify the review percentage is shown in the Nextcloud dashboard.

Learn more about Dilingual

Get started with Dilingual and translate your website today


Nextcloud version Stable channel Nightly channel All releases
20 1.0.0 - 20


2 years, 1 month ago

Probably abandoned.