CADViewer implements CAD viewing, markup and collaboration on the NextCloud platform for AutoCAD, MicroStation, PDF and advanced raster graphics. Following CADViewer features are available:
AutoCAD: Support for DWG, DXF and DWF files.
MicroStation: Support for DGN files.
PDF: Support for Vector Graphics PDF files. (Use ... menu)
TIFF: Support for TIFF format. (Use ... menu)
PNG, JPG, GIF: Bitmap support. (Use ... menu)
SVG: SVG support. (Use ... menu)
Annotation: Full redlining interface of drawings where each user has individually associated redlines.
PDF Collaboration: Redlines/Annotations on drawings are saved as PDF to the user's CADViewer-Markup folder, where the user can then share internally/externally.
Download: Direct download of SVG or PDF image with/without redlines/annotations.
Printing: Printing of drawings to printer driver or as PDF.
Measurement: Global scale matrix preserved in drawing for measurement and calibration methods.
Zoom: Advanced zoom and pan controls.
Layers: Retained layer structure for layer management.
Search: Integrated text search method.
Compare: Advanced compare of drawings. Compare of different versions of same files in Nextcloud 27+.
NOTE: The configuration steps (possible permission settings and ownership for executable, log files, and folders, and .htaccess file modification for rewrite rule) are needed for the back-end CAD conversion to work properly. Without check of settings, no drawings will display!
Simply open your CAD drawings and start collaborate.. 😄
Software run with all features enabled, but with small canvas watermarks to discurage redistribution of converted drawings. To remove watermarks through a license key, corp or single user(s), Contact Us!.
NOTE: The back-end CAD converter is an x86_64 executable, currently ARM architecture is not supported.
app asks that you recursively grant 777 privileges to a number of folders. This is not necessary and is a VERY bad practice! In reality you should only need to grant chmod +x to a single binary and add a rule to .htaccess in your nextcloud directory.
Basically I followed these steps:
"In the NextCloud /apps/ */ folder-structure, navigate to */apps/cadviewer/converter/converters/ax2024/linux/ */. In this folder the executable, ax2023_L64_xx_yy_zz" but did chmod +x rather than 777, NEVER do 777 under ANY circumstances.
Then I followed this:
That got it working for me and is infinitely more secure than what was suggested by their github page. Also the page makes it look like this is usable software when in reality when you load your dwg file you get "for demonstration purposes only" and their web address plastered all over the background of your drawing. Apparently this software requires a license, which I only realized AFTER going though all the work to make this app functional AND secure. The licenses are also very expensive, more than a normal residential user would every reasonably spend. Minimum of $500+ for like 5 users if I'm reading it correctly.
Tapio Haapala
1 year, 11 months ago
This app create new files to nexcloud and share those to random users (even disabled ones) and cause lot of spam to file shared spams.